This Pokémon ROM hack features travel to the center of Kanto, bigger Pokedex with more Hoenn Pokémon, new characters and trainers to create new battles, new places and some remapped areas, trick house with new puzzles, new moves and many more. Three years after an adventure of a boy from Pallet Town, another boy from New Bank begins his adventure to completely change him and change Pokémon World. In the story of Pokémon Shiny Gold you enter the Johto region and investigate all the stunning strange of Pokémon then appreciate energized catches, fights or trading then you will end up being the best Trainer ever. If you have this game already, we recommend you get the case too. The Pokémon Flora Sky is based on Pokémon Emerald, developed by creator sky. The Pokémon Flora Sky features new event for Legendary Pokémon, new characters,386 Pokémon in the hack with new sprites, brand new moves, new items, new minigame, day night System and many more. Together with different companions, our hero will forestall the heat of the legendary Pokémon by the activities of Team Magma and Aqua. Then, Team Magma and Aqua are looking for the legendary Fire and Water type Pokémon to overwhelm their reality. This Pokémon hack was designed by Destinedjagold for Game Boy Advanced.įurthermore, you should close this entry before its past the point of no return. This ROM hack boasts of splendid graphics and great mapping.
This Pokémon Ruby Destiny features generation iv Pokémon replacing old ones, update of National Pokedex list, updates of Pokémon move set, up to generation vi moves available and additions of the fairy-type and aria-type.

A darkness that compromises the very district, or even the whole world, and it is dependent upon you to stop it. In any case, developing darkness lingers into the great beyond. Read Also: 5 Best Gaming Gear Every Video Gamer Needs In the story of Pokémon Ruby Destiny, the day finally arrives for you and your neighbor to get your absolute first Pokémon and to begin your own special adventures in the not really tranquil district of Gento, with the fantasy about turning into the region’s hero! As you venture through the district, you’ll meet companions and adversaries, catch and train Pokémon, win and lose fights, and make an effort not to get excessively associated with the two enemy groups: Royal Darkness and Luminous Cenaries.